So lots has happened since my last blog... lets see if i can remember it all... hmmm
well first i must say earlier this week we got our first "snow." kate and i were pretty excited to say the least. during one of our 10 min breaks during class we ran outside, while everyone else looked at us like we were complete weirdos. by the end of class the snow has stopped and we haven't seen it since.
i have been pretty busy trying to keep up with all my homework. it is a lot harder than it was in the beginning cause i don't spend all my time in my room studying because i actually enjoy going down in the lounge at night and socializing :) (right now i am in the library trying to study, but i'm not actually getting anything done, hence the blog :) we have a theology paper due on the 6th and i decided to get a head start on it... we can do it on anything we want and i chose Revelations from God, like Natural Revelations, and Holy Spirit Revelations. So, we will see how that goes.
We have to do jobs here on campus. And i am on swat which means that i don't have a set schedule i just go where they need me. I have done things like housekeeping, food prep, food line, and the dreaded maitnence with all the guys. i did not enjoy that at all because i was the ONLY girl! The other day i found out that my new job for the rest of the quarter is being a babysitter for this family that lives here on campus. I am really excited about it. I get to get them off the bus and go to their house and watch them. Their parents are the ladies basketball couches. So i will probably watch them about two days a week. I went up and introduced myself to the mom yesterday.
last night i took some pictures while lydia and i were working the dart booth. This was my first official event with my ministry team. it was 30 degrees last night and i had A LOT of layers on, and drank A LOT of hot chocolate. i have some pics on my camera but haven't uploaded them onto my computer yet, so those will come later i promise.
well i just wanted to update all of you really quick. i think this is my longest blog yet. on and the countdown is on till i come home! one month from tomorrow, and i am not excited AT ALL! haha..
well i love and miss you all!!
comments would be nice... hehe :)
p.s. i just read this and it sounds really bad.. sorry i am just in a hurry... ( my mom always wants me to update my blog even though she never updates hers :)
Hello my little (big :) Niece ..
It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I think New York would be a wonderful place to spend the Winter; it looks very beautiful. I pray for you daily ...and trust the Lord will draw you closer to Himself. ...I pray God would see fit to fill you with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God (Phil1:11). We are looking forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving ..and learning more about your time away. We will continue to pray. The Lord richly bless you Kylie.
Uncle Kelly ...
Hi Kylie:
It was so wonderful to talk to you on Mon. It was so special it made my whole week. (Thanks Joey) You did a good job.
You sound so good and I know that God is really working in your life. Your new job sounds really great. That should help.
Yesterday Aunt Debbie, Cora & I made tamales. We worked very hard and it took a long time but it will be worth all the effort. We made 24 dz. That is a lot of tamales. We started at about 2:30 and did not finish until about 7 p.m.
Yesterday I ordered new window coverings for all the windows. They should be in by Thanksgiving so when you come to visit it will have a new look.
Grandpa is doing fine he really enjoyed talking to you on Mon also. He is still enjoying his new toy. (car) He is looking forward to giving you a ride when you come home. We took it to Yuba City last weekend and It was great. It got lots of bugs though and he did not like that.
Well next week Daniel graduates. We will be going down to Sac on Thurs and Graduation is on Fri a.m. It is so exciting. Chris will be coming home on Thurs. Daniel will have 9 days before he has to report to his new location. That is going to be in Bishop. (So Cal around Mamoth Mt.) Great skiing. Chris is excited. He knows where he is spending Christmas.
Well honey you have a great week and take care. I am sure you are going to have a lot more snow, in fact you may get very tired of it before you are through. But you are right to get excited it is beautiful. We love you and miss you soooo much.
Love Grams
One month till you come home to Cali!! Woo hoo!!:)There are so many that are anxious to see/visit with you. This month will go by fast....I think.
Yesterday (Saturday), I was still sick but I still worked from 9:45 to 3:15 printing the rest of the school newsletter. It is so much easier on the teachers and staff if the "monster" newsletter can be printed when they aren't there.It is sometimes lonely being there all by myself, but then I like the solitude of my own thoughts, and the opportunity to talk to God. The task is done for Nov., but the cycle will repeat itself in about 3 weeks as the Dec/Jan publication needs to be mailed before Thanksgiving break. Yikes! The good news though, I won't have to think about the newsletter while you are home. Yahhhhhh!
I am starting to lay stuff out for our cruise. We leave Friday morning from San Francisco airport to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We set sail on Saturday.
Yesterday, I went with Cindy to drop Annie and Lacy off at school for Fall Festivis. I took some pics which I will load for you. Hopefully they will all load this time. There was a whoopie cushion (I would have had fun dressing as one of those) hehe, a Richard Simmons, and Annie and Lacey were pebbles and bam bam. There were others too, but they weren't funny creative. Onto other things.
I am glad to hear and read that you are enjoying your time there. Just remember this is only a season of your life and make the most of it. God does amazing things when He is a part of it. There has still never been a doubt in my heart that you are where God wants you to be. Even through all the tears of missing you & you missing people and events here (Cohen & the birth of Jack).You are growing so much.
You are, and have always been an amazing woman who has a depth of character that your dad and I take no credit in shaping. It is only by Gods grace Ky. You are His.
As you were growing up, watching you mature,the people and situations God has put you in (why you?)and seeing how you were there for that person or whatever, making choices, I have always felt Gods protection around you...I am so thankful you chose to go to WOL to seek a closer relationship with Him. I'm so enjoying the journey of watching you grow up into the woman you are becoming, and I'm excited to continue to share it with you.
You are BEAUTIFUL...first on the inside, with an outside shell to match. I just made you sound like a turtle, huh? lol That's the silliness in me, I can't help it. lol
Well, I will close this post, I really didn't mean to make it a book.
I love you and will talk to you tomorrow, probably.
hey ky ky
Girlie it sounds like you are having fun there at school and i miss you very much...You are so lucky to get to experience something so great as school in so glad you are really starting to enjoy it. I love you dearly and can't wait to see you when you come home for a visit. Love n miss you!
love kara
I go into Frozen Yogurt and it's sad not seeing you in there with Joey all the time... When do you come back?
I go into Frozen Yougurt and it's sad not seeing you in there with Joey all the time...
here is something you'll be happy to know: i just got tears in my eyes thinking about you and you coming home. ha! i do cry! just not when you want me to ;) lol
i would have loved to come with you to WOLBI. it sounds like so much fun and the potential to make great friends is soo cool! you know i would like that ;)
your mom is right when she says that this month will fly by! in a matter of weeks you will be home and we will be spending time together and i think for the first time, really enjoying a mature relationship :) that sounds so exciting!
keep doing everything that you are doing because its working and you are growing. let God use you and mold you and you will be happy all the days of life :)
we all love and miss you, but most of all
i love and miss you very much,
love always,
josiah michael
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