yesterday i got a package from my grandparents!! I was so excited when i saw that it was from them! i quickly went back to my dorm to open it and inside was ALL this food! i must say this is very generous of them!! i will be all set on food for a VERY long time! thank you so much grandma and grandpa!! i also got two letters, one from my mom and one from my dad. it was so nice reading those and knowing that people are praying and thinking about me. i definitely am feeling all your prayers. i feel very comfortable here. i know that God is going to do amazing things in my life this year and i can't even begin to tell you how excited i am about that. its really funny how things work out because i didn't even think i would end up coming here after graduation, but here i am. its so comforting to know that God has a purpose and a plan for everybody. (Jeremiah 29:11) I am learning so much here and am so grateful to my parents for everything they had to give up in order for me to come here. I love all of you! and i hope you are all doing well. see you in november :)

Hi Kylie: You are very welcome. I had fun shopping for all the things you like. Your mom & Joey helped with the suggestions.
We had a great time in Wisc. We covered a lot of ground and did some really fun things. We really enjoyed taking Charae and showing her where Grandpa was raised and where her mom was born. One of these days we will take you. Fall is a beautiful time of the year, but it was very cold so it must be really cold where you are.
I love your picture that is really a great one. Your mom sent it to me. Grandpa printed it out and we have it at the entry way.
I am glad to hear that you are doing so well and we are really looking forward to seeing you soon.
We love you very much and pray for you daily.
Love, Grams
ky ky, i really love you new haricute. its beautiful
i totally spelled haircut wrong.
Kylie how does it feel to be stalked by the Warta's?
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