Sunday, November 9, 2008

Open Air Evangelism

As most of you already know by previous post on Friday and Saturday I was in New York City doing Open Air Evangelism with my Ministry Team for Word of Life. It was a very amazing experience, and one that I will cherish forever....

On Friday after lunch we all gathered in the bus to leave for our 4 hour journey to NYC! I was beyond excited not only to go to New York City, but to also have the opportunity to witness to the lost. Well, 4 hours had past and we arrived at our destination. We quickly dropped our stuff off at a little old Church we stayed at, right in the heart of New York. We then set off to the AMAZING Time Square. For those of you who haven't been there, it is SO awesome and beautiful!! I highly recommend you take a trip there sometime in the near future. But anyways.. we got with our partners and they set us on the street. I always had a guy watching me. The one that was keeping an eye on me was actually from New York City, so that was really cool. It was really hard for me to have the confidence to go up and talk to people. Finally after some time I decided that I should at least pass out tracks, so that is what I did. The night ended so incredibly fast and it was time to head back to the Church. 

The next day we got up and got ready for another day of witnessing. We went to Bryant Park, which was really cute. There was a little ice skating rink right in the middle. I really wanted to go ice skating but then I remembered why I was there, and it wasn't to do that :) It started raining pretty bad so we quickly got on the subway and headed to Grand Central Station. This was a whole different experience in itself. There was SO many different types of people, it was really scary. Again, I felt very scared going up and talking to people one on one so I continued to just hand out tracks to people. 

The best part of this whole experience was seeing my fellow classmates talking to people about Jesus, and seeing how the people reacted to what they were saying. In Grand Central Station, sitting across from me was a mom and her two daughters. I really wanted to go talk to them, but right when I was about to, some of my friends beat me to her. So, I just sat back and watched them. It brought tears to my eyes seeing how they accepted what they were saying. After my friends left, I just sat there and watched the mom explain to her children what they were saying. Sometimes it can make a persons day, if you just go up and say a friendly hello. 

There were about 26 people that trusted Christ from our group alone this weekend. We have an amazing God! 

I didn't have the time to take pictures when I was there, but I am going back soon with my parents and Joey. So, I will be sure to get some then :)

By the way: The Martina McBride song is for my mom :) 


Anonymous said...

Dear Kylie:

Thank you so much for the phone call. You made my day. It was so good to hear from you. As you already know I miss you so much and I am really looking forward to seeing you soon. Have a good week and look forward to talking to you again soon.

Love you, Grams

Anonymous said...


How amazing!! It is so neat to see how Jesus is using you. I love to read all of your blogs. We pray for you in our nightly prayers. You are such an amazing women of God!!!!!
Theresa (Joey's Aunt)

Draper Family said...

KyKy, you made me cry...happy tears. That song will forever hold a new meaning to me and be dear to my heart. I couldn't ask for better daughter than what you are too me. I love you!

Only 15 days... :)