Wednesday, September 3, 2008

One Week

A week from tomorrow I will be on a plane leaving for New York. It hasn't really sunk in that I am leaving until now. Most of my stuff is shipped and probably there waiting for me. (I am afraid I packed too many clothes but oh well) I am really excited about what God is going to do in my life this year. I know He has a purpose and a plan for my life, greater than I could ever imagine. Looking back I never thought I would be moving across the country right after High School but God's plans are always different than our own. :)

Sorry this blog doesn't really flow well. I am still trying to get my brain working again from a lazy summer :) Oh and I would post pictures but I don't have anything interesting yet.


josiah michael said...


you will do just fine, my love.

josiah michael said...

i love your playlist :)

WetRx said...

Hi there. God does have a funny way of expressing himself through us. Many years ago, when I was about your age, I was scared as well. I went off to bootcamp a week after high school. By the end of the year I found myself in the Persian Gulf in a war I did not understand nor could I at the ripe age of 18. However, because of that 4 year journey it made me realize I wanted go back to school. Ironically enough, that was the whole reason why I went in the military...I didn't want to go to school. Anyway, six years of college later I was working at a horrible job. A few months later, a job surfaced in the federal gov. and I applied. It's been nearly 11 years and I'm doing something I'm very passionate about and married to a terrific lady to boot! All of this I thank to the one above. I've had so many mircales in my life and they outweigh those that were not as pleasant. Sorry if this seems long, but I wanted you too know, you're not alone. Also,if you want to see total silliness check out my blog, Evil Alfred.