so we have kate, me, dawnell, and lydia. they are both from pennsylvania.
i actually sit by lydia in class and that is how i met her. she is also on my ministry team, which is SO nice too! so we will be going to new york city together when we do open air evangelism. last night we went to the lounge and tried to put a princess puzzle together. but we gave up and decided to give each other a tour of our dorms. they live in england which is right across from us. they have a really nice dorm cause it was just re-modeled. anyways, here is just one picture. there will be much more to come :)
Friend pictures....thanks KyKy! It is nice to see who you and Kate are spending your time with. I am glad you are coming out of your shell. This is new territory for you. You've always depended on others to lead the way.You and Kate look great and very content with where you are. Seeing your smiles really helps us deal with distance between us. Your getting your dimples back...Jen said you went for a run today. I took a lot of pictures today at Andrea's baby shower, I will upload them for you to see when I have the time to figure out how. Maybe I can take the time tomorrow after Church. Well pumpkin, my bed is calling my name. I love you and can't wait to hear more about your experiences. Mom
Hi Kylie: I love the picture. It really helped to see your smiling face. Went to Andrea's baby shower yesterday so I am in at least one of the pictures that your mom will be sending. Deb, Anne-Marie, Marcie and myself went down. We had a really nice time and it was good to see everyone. It was a very nice shower.
On Tues. we leave for Wisc so I won't be commuicating for a while but I will make up for it when we get back. I will send you some pictures of our trip.
Grandpa still loves his car SURPRISE he is always washing it or waxing it. Uncle Kregg bought a new pickup and right now he and Grandpa are waxing it. It is a 4dr white with leather uphostlery. It is very nice. He traded his blue bmw in on it.
It is hot here again. It was getting very nice then yesterday it warmed up again. By the time we get home it should be very nice fall weather. You take care and remember that we love you. You really do look great. I will write again when we return.
Love, Grams
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